Coping with Grief – Resources for Kids

by | Jun 22, 2023 | Latest News

Grief can be a challenging and overwhelming experience for children and teenagers. Providing them with supportive resources and tools is crucial in helping them manage complex emotions and build resilience. In this article, we explore ideas to help empower young hearts and offer them the support they need while coping with grief.

Here are some helpful resources:

Books specifically written for children and teenagers can offer guidance and understanding. Some recommended titles include “The Invisible String” by Patrice Karst, “The Memory Box: A Book about Grief” by Joanna Rowland, and “The Grieving Teen: A Guide for Teenagers and Their Friends” by Helen Fitzgerald.

Support Groups

Local support groups or counseling services focused on children and teenagers can provide a safe space to express emotions, share experiences, and connect with others going through similar situations. Organizations like The Dougy Center ( offer grief support groups specifically for young people.

Online Resources

Websites such as the National Alliance for Children’s Grief ( and The Dougy Center’s website ( offer valuable information, articles, and resources tailored to children and teenagers coping with grief. These platforms often provide educational materials, recommended reading lists, and suggestions for coping strategies.

Therapy and Counseling

Seeking professional help through therapists or counselors experienced in working with children and teenagers can provide individualized support. They can help young individuals who are coping with grief process their emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and navigate the grieving process in a healthy way.

School Resources

Schools often have guidance counselors or mental health professionals who can offer support to students dealing with grief. They can provide a listening ear, recommend resources, or facilitate support groups within the school community.

Creative Outlets

Encouraging children and teenagers to express their emotions through creative outlets such as art, writing, music, or journaling can be beneficial. These activities can provide a healthy way to process grief and express their thoughts and feelings.

The support of family, friends, and trusted adults is crucial in helping children and teenagers who are coping with grief. Encouraging open communication, creating a safe and understanding environment, and being patient and empathetic are essential in their healing journey.


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