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College for Cannon Fundraiser

College for Cannon Fundraiser Joe Zuiches, a 42 year-old resident of Olympic Valley and a member of the Squaw Valley professional ski patrol since 2012, was killed in a fatal incident...

Living with loss

Living with loss

A few days ago I posted this short piece on our CharitySmith Facebook page and the reaction was way more than I ever expected. My intention was to share some of what really goes on at CharitySmith. In our society we are often too uncomfortable to discuss death, even...

Start A Memorial Fund

  How To Set Up A CHARITYSMITH Memorial Fund At CHARITYSMITH we believe the creation of a memorial fund is a beautiful way to honor a loved-one who is no longer with us. As such, we strive to partner with each fund administrator to make the creation of a memorial...

New memorial funds!

Hello all, We have recently created two new memorial funds here at CHARITYSMITH. We believe we are working together to bring beauty out of loss and help change lives all over the country! We think that by sharing what people are doing in memory of their loved ones...

Fundraising Tips May 2014

Hello Fund Administrators and visitors to CHARITYSMITH: National Society of Memorial Funds! My name is Ashley and I am proud to be the Executive Director of this amazing organization. Many of you have asked for fundraising ideas in the past so the focus of this first...

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